Richland County Council’s annual retreat to focus on strategic planning

January 23, 2020

Members, staff to meet with Charleston County officials for discussion, insight

Richland County Councilmembers kicked off their annual retreat Thursday in Charleston to set priorities for 2020 and lay a foundation for major projects before shifting the focus Friday to review successful initiatives by Charleston County.

Among the topics on the two-day agenda are transportation, community redevelopment and a strategic planning session led by Customer Service Solutions Inc., a Charlotte, N.C.-based company that helps organizations develop a framework to meet their goals. Councilmembers and staff also will visit several sites in Charleston County to gain insight for projects in the Capital County.

The agenda for the 2020 retreat differs from previous years, as Councilmembers and County staff will engage with their counterparts in the host county to share ideas and solutions.

“The retreat provides a forum in which we as a body can focus on specific matters we need to accomplish in order for the County to deliver quality services and programs to our residents and local businesses,” Council Chair Paul Livingston said. “It’s imperative that we set priorities for the coming year and beyond – and that’s why the strategic planning component of the retreat this year will be so important.”

Thursday’s agenda focuses on County staff presentations on the following topics:

  • Transportation program transition
  • County facilities plan
  • A review of the state of the County
  • Strategic planning

Friday’s agenda focuses on presentations from Charleston County officials on the following topics:

  • Transportation program
  • Comprehensive plan
  • Citadel Mall revitalization project

Before wrapping up Friday, Richland County officials will make site visits to the Citadel Mall revitalization project, the newly opened Baxter-Patrick James Island Library and Charleston County’s Emergency Operations/Consolidated Dispatch Center.

Following its retreat, Richland County Council will meet next at a special called Council meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11.