Speaker Lucas responds to report on Santee Cooper

February 11, 2020

Ad-Hoc Committee & Meetings Announced 

House Speaker Jay Lucas (District 65-Darlington) issued the following statement after the House received the Department of Administration’s report regarding the future of Santee Cooper:

“Today, the General Assembly begins the process of debating the ultimate disposition of Santee Cooper. The results of months of work, led by Director Marcia Adams and the Department of Administration, have been released to the General Assembly and the public for consideration.

The House will be led by the facts contained in this document and will push for the solution that is the most advantageous to the ratepayers and taxpayers of this state. The goal of the House is to reach the most fiscally prudent disposition for Santee Cooper and to protect those whose dollars are at stake in this decision.

The House remains committed to maintaining a thorough, comprehensive and transparent process on this matter. All decisions will be made in a set of extensive public hearings and after ample debate at every level.

The actions taken in the coming weeks and months are of significant consequence, and we will not take them lightly. I am hopeful we can determine the best outcome that will protect our citizens as well as the momentum of our economy.”

In response to the report, the following Ways and Means Ad-Hoc Committee has been appointed by Ways and Means Committee Chairman G. Murrell Smith, Jr.:

Rep. G. Murrell Smith, Jr. (Chm.)

Rep. J. Gary Simrill

Rep. Jackie Hayes

Rep. Leon Stavrinakis

Rep. Alan D. Clemmons

Rep. Nathan Ballentine

Rep. J. Todd Rutherford

Rep. J. David Weeks

Rep. Bruce W. Bannister

Rep. Joseph S. Daning

“Even with our 30-day time constraint, and the budget process picking up in committee, I am confident this ad-hoc committee will work with diligence and vigilance,” said Chairman Smith. “I look forward to leading the next step forward on this incredibly important issue.”

The following meeting dates and times have been announced regarding consideration of the report:

Thursday, February 13

·       12:00 PM — Blatt Room 110 — Joint House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees with Department of Administration leadership

Monday, February 24

·       1:00 PM — Blatt Room 110 — House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee on Department of Administration Report

Tuesday, February 25

·       9:00 AM — Blatt Room 110 — House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee on sale proposal

Wednesday, February 26

·       1:00 PM — Blatt Room 110 — House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee on management proposal

Thursday, February 27

·       1:00 PM — Blatt Room 110 — House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee on Santee Cooper reform proposal

Monday, March 2

·       2:00 PM — Blatt Room 110 — House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee Public Testimony Hearing

Tuesday, March 3 – Wednesday, March 4

·       TBA — Blatt Room 110 — House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee deliberations

Thursday, March 5

·       TBA — Blatt Room 110 — House Full Ways and Means Committee deliberations