The Christopher Conner Foundation announces availability of COVID-19 Relief Grants

April 6, 2020

Foundation sets aside 50% of its scholarship funds to help SC musicians

The Christopher Conner Foundation announced today that it has launched the Let It Sing COVID-19 Relief Grant to provide assistance to SC-based musicians during the current global pandemic. The foundation’s board of directors voted unanimously to direct 50% of its scholarship funds to the newly created grant, which will award $500 per grant to qualifying musicians.

When Jennifer Weimer presented the idea to her fellow board members, it was met with no resistance. “Music is the full-time job for many of South Carolina’s artists,” stated Ms. Weimer, “With the current state of emergency, their gigs have been cancelled and therefore they have no income. Also, due to the nature of their work, many musicians are without medical insurance so we wanted to launch the Let It Sing grant as quickly as possible and begin providing assistance right away.”

Foundation President Cal Conner couldn’t agree more. As the father of the late Chris Conner for whom the foundation was originally formed, Mr. Conner has observed a significant decline in scholarship requests during the COVID-19 crisis. “Our foundation exists for the sole purpose of helping musicians in their educational endeavors and provide relief during times of hardship,” explained Mr. Conner, “This is most certainly one of those times. The lack of scholarship applications leaves us with reserves we can tap into to help those who need it the most right now, today.”

If you are a South Carolina musician in need of assistance due to cancelled performances, you can apply for a Let It Sing grant at

The foundation is accepting donations from those in the community that would like to contribute to the Let it Sing COVID-19 Relief Fund so that additional grants can be made available.  


About The Christopher Conner Foundation

The Christopher Conner Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 Organization that operates exclusively for charitable, cultural and educational purposes. The Foundation is a grassroots fundraising organization that supports local musicians and their families with medical and educational financial assistance. The Foundation partners with other organizations to provide healing through music and music related fund raisers for children and adults in need.