Martha Franks Retirement Community Recognizes Recipient of the 2021 Resident Volunteer Award

May 10, 2021

Luther Townsend:  Simply for the love of giving and for the benefit of the community

My first encounter with Luther Townsend was standing at the door waiting a couple of minutes for him to stop and clean out a few weeds on the outside of my office before greeting me with one of the biggest and sweetest smiles I have ever encountered.  I learned soon after that initial meeting that Luther’s heart was as big as his smile.

A true servant is someone who anticipates the needs of others, no matter their circumstances or status in life. One does so for no recognition other than just a love for people and for giving.  In our community, Luther has found so many ways through his service to bring joy and beauty to our residents and community.

Luther may be 80 years old but he has to start early in the morning to burn off all his energy.  At 7:00AM you will find him working in the prayer garden, cleaning out weeds, working until lunch time; take a little rest, then right back at it in the afternoon and continuing some evenings until dusk.   At one point 4 pallets of mulch was delivered to the prayer garden.  Luther spread most of that himself and basically transformed the prayer garden into a majestic showcase.  Many times in the cooler evening hours he drives residents from the garden apartments to the prayer garden for their enjoyment, never failing to pull a stray weed that catches his attention.

One of our residents was given a gardenia bush when her husband passed away.  In less than a few hours Luther arrived to plant the bush in the resident’s yard.  While one of our residents who loved and had beautiful plants was on Hospice care, he kept her plants watered and cared for very well.  He finds plants, propagates them and spreads them throughout the community.

Pictured from left to right: Connie Henrich, Leading Age, SC, Pollyanna Franks, Martha Franks Executive Director, Luther Townsend, Martha Franks Resident and Award Recipient, and Vickie Moody, CEO Leading Age, SC

Luther is also an integral part of our marketing team.  He loves this community and is always available to help new residents transition to their new homes.

He takes residents to the grocery or drug store, doctor appointments and before COVID 19 visited residents in assisted living and skilled nursing. He and his wife who is a talented pianist provide beautiful music and lead in the singing on a regular basis.

Every week Luther comes by our office in the late afternoon to pull our trash can to the curb for pick up, and the next morning kindly returns it to its proper place.

As a retired minister of music and band director, he humbly shares his music with other residents.  It’s not unusual for him and his wife to provide music in the lobby of the apartment building where they live.  It can be heard throughout the hallways as Luther and Jackie play and lead in singing. The residents need only open their doors and join in the beautiful sounds of their God given talents.

Luther engages with everyone he comes in contact with, no matter their status, age, health or circumstances. He just seems to convey joy with everyone he meets. He is passionate about everything he does and enlists your attention because he is always interested in you.

He sees a need and acts.

While Luther is never at a loss for words, he also listens and seems to never forget what someone shares with him.  He finds a way to connect. He is a responsive, and tender gentle-man.