Public invited to comment on second round of text amendments aimed at neighborhood protection

June 14, 2021

The public is invited to review and comment on the second round of proposed changes to the City’s Land Management Ordinance (LMO).

While the LMO must be updated in order to effectively implement the recommendations in GVL2040, City Council recognizes that a comprehensive revision to the LMO is a complex, involved process that cannot be accomplished quickly. As a result, City Council recently directed staff to develop text amendments to the LMO that will help protect the character of existing neighborhoods from the impact of commercial and multi-family development in the near term.

Staff’s first charge was to address a series of specific development issues, including outdoor dining, commercial trash collection, light pollution, field changes, lot coverage allowances, height transitions, setback requirements and landscape buffers. The Planning Commission approved the first round of proposed code changes on June 9, and City Council will consider them at its June 14 meeting.

Subsequently, the second round of revisions are now available for review and comment online.  They include changes on affordable housing, traffic, the amount of provided parking, uses that abut single-family residences and stormwater. The Planning Commission will review the second round of proposed text amendments at its June 17 meeting.

The deadline to submit comments is 5 p.m. on June 15.
View the LMO Round 2 Text Amendments