Piedmont Tech Students Honored for Excellence

June 21, 2021

Piedmont Technical College (PTC) recently honored the achievements of more than 50 conscientious student leaders at its 45th Annual Student Awards and Recognition Program.

PTC President Dr. Hope E. Rivers welcomed students and presenting faculty members to the ceremony on April 21. Proceedings were broadcast live on PTC’s social media channels from the Self Conference Center in Greenwood.

President’s Award

Stephen Westmoreland, a student in PTC’s Horticulture Technology Program, was selected to receive the college’s top academic honor, the President’s Award. Unfortunately, he was not able to attend the live broadcast. He was busy preparing for his May 29 nuptials to high school sweetheart Carla.

For now, Westmoreland is a manager at Sherwin-Williams Paints. He is excited to receive his horticulture degree and says he will always use the skills and knowledge he gained studying at PTC.

“Growing up, I did landscaping to earn money. I really enjoyed it, which is one reason I chose to study horticulture. I love being outside,” he said. “Being a student at PTC has been awesome, especially because of my instructor Daniel Greenwell. He has been phenomenal and is always available to answer any questions I may have.”

Divisional Distinguished Student Awards

Each academic division of the college each year honors its top graduates with the Distinguished Student Award. In addition to Westmoreland, winners included: Ethan Farrell, Engineering and Industrial Technology; Amy Marshall, Business/Administrative Office Technology; and Cameron Word, Health Care.

Curriculum Awards

Outstanding graduates in each of the college’s academic programs also received special recognition. In addition to the Divisional Distinguished Students above, PTC recognized the following outstanding graduates (in no particular order): Shandrea Williams (Radiologic Technology); McKenna Scott (Respiratory Care); Brantley Langley (Adult Echocardiography); Kevin Jones (Invasive Cardiovascular Technology); Deltrice Riley (Medical Assisting); Kasey Ellison (Pharmacy Technology); Jessica McCurry (Surgical Technology); Diane Fluharty (Patient Care Technology); John Matthews (Associate Degree Nursing); Brooke Tull (Practical Nursing); Kara Hershberger (Occupational Therapy Assistant); Makayla Porter (Agriculture); Justin Vinson (Automotive Technology); Waled Elwan (Electronic Engineering Technology); William Cates (Engineering Design Technology); Adam Weinschenker (HVAC Technology); Jermetris Martin (Mechanical Engineering Technology); Andrew Tokarev (Mechatronics Technology); Michael-Colee Gambrell (Welding); Heather Deel (Business); Tamara Jones (Administrative Office Technology); Bryan Bohler (Commercial Art); Katherine Corbett (Computer Technology); Lola Harmon (Criminal Justice); Shandi Fisher (Early Care and Education); Christopher Lee (Funeral Service); and Sydney Strutko (Associate in Science).

“I am incredibly proud of all of these students. As I listened to all their achievements, my heart was completely filled,” Rivers said. “I am even more humbled than ever to have the opportunity to represent such hardworking students. Congratulations to them all!”

To view the recorded ceremony, go to www.ptc.edu/live.


•    PTC President Dr. Hope E. Rivers with President’s Award Winner Stephen Westmoreland
•    Student Award Recipients from Greenwood County (top row from left): Adam Weinschenker, Bryan Bohler, Deltrice Riley, Ethan Farrell, and Kevin Jones (middle row from left): Lola Harmon, Madalyn Harris, McKenna Scott, Natasha Gresham, and Patrick Craven (bottom row from left): Sydney Strutko, Tamara Jones, Tasha Lancaster, William Cates, and William McClellan