Preparing Your Pets for Fireworks

June 30, 2021

The 4th of July holiday is a fun time for family and friends to get together to celebrate Independence Day. The celebrating usually culminates with the big bang of fireworks that light up the sky.

What’s fun for us can be very traumatic for our pets.  Fireworks can cause stress, anxiety and sometimes aggression in pets. In fact, more pets go missing on the 4th and 5th of July than any other day of the year.

But why is that?

Dogs use their ears, eyes and nose to experience or navigate the world.  The loud booms and high-pitched screeching sounds, and the smell that comes from the discharged fireworks can make pets feel anxious and afraid.  Add to that the larger than normal crowds and flashlights throwing light around and you can have some jittery pets.

What can you do to keep your pets calm?

Here are some things you can do to help ease the stress your pet may experience and make them feel more comfortable.

  • Walk dogs early – if you normally do an evening or late-night walk, be sure to get your do walk in by late afternoon to avoid being outside when the fireworks start.
  • Keep cats inside – if you have an indoor/outdoor cat be sure to get them inside before the fireworks start so they won’t run away.
  • Create a safe space – if your pet has a favorite napping place or snuggle spot, add some favorite toys or bedding to provide extra comfort.
  • Know their hiding places – we usually know our pets’ routine and that includes hiding places. Be sure these “safe spaces” are available to them and give them space.
  • Close windows and curtains or blinds – keeping windows closed will muffle the noise of the fireworks and closing curtains or blinds will block the bright flashes of light that may scare them.
  • Turn up the tv or put on some music – Additional sounds inside the house will distract pets of any other noises and if the music is familiar to them will create a calming effect.
  • Stay home – if you can, make sure someone is home with your pets to reassure them and help keep them calm.
  • Treats – we all like treats and our pets are no different. A snack or a new chew toy can be a great distraction at what would be a very anxious time.
  • Microchip your pets – if they do get scared and run away, having them microchipped will help you relocate them.

Preparation is key to ensure that you and your pets have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday.