SC Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Push for Hunting on Public Land on Sundays
July 15, 2021South Carolina Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (SCBHA) is starting its push for Sunday Hunting on Public Lands!
On June 17th in Pickens County, SCDNR and some of our State Representatives had its first meeting to discuss opening public lands to Sunday hunting. Five more meetings are scheduled to happen between now and the end of July.
Come join us to hear what was discussed at the first meeting, expected resistance topics on the issue, and learn talking points to counter this resistance. Help us to be heard by those who will make the decision. Come hear about SCBHA’s plan, and how you can be a part of overturning this antiquated blue law.
The meeting will be held at Palmetto Brothers Dispensary on Saturday, July 17th from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Click here to sign up to attend the meeting.