Girl Scouts, PalmettoPride, and S.C. Lieutenant Governor Pamela S. Evette announce statewide campaign
April 21, 2022Kickoff Planned for Earth Day 2022
Girl Scouts across South Carolina and PalmettoPride announce a statewide litter prevention campaign for Earth Day 2022. The three-day campaign will kick off on Earth Day with a press event at the State House on Friday, April 22 at 10:00 a.m., led by Lt. Governor Pamela Evette.
The health of the Earth is something Girl Scouts is passionate about. “I began caring for the planet as a girl and when I became a camp director, I saw the real impact that people can have on our planet. Girl Scouts begin learning about the importance of no trace left behind and leaving a place better than they found it as Daisy Girl Scouts in Kindergarten,” said Girl Scouts of South Carolina–Mountains to Midlands COO Lynn Arve.
The Girl Scouts will engage in litter pick-ups around the state Saturday and Sunday April 23 and 24, 2022.
Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low was famous for encouraging girls to champion causes in which they believe strongly, not the least of which was—and continues to be—a love of nature and advocacy for environmental conservation. “We continue that passion for the environment and our planet. The next few days we will educate, inspire, and take action for the earth.” Said Diane Flanagan, CEO Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina.”
“The natural beauty of South Carolina is a gift, and we have to do what we can to be good stewards of it,” said Lt. Governor Pamela S. Evette. “I’m grateful for the Girl Scouts and PalmettoPride for this new campaign and I would encourage South Carolinians follow their lead and help clean up our communities.”
Girl Scouts can participate in their local communities by signing up through PalmettoPride.
“Educating our children does not take place solely in the classroom. We applaud the Girl Scouts of South Carolina for making these valuable environmental lessons a part of their everyday life lessons,” said Sarah Lyles.
Litter has negative consequences beyond aesthetics and is preventable. The potential reach of this awareness campaign is to encourage students of all ages to be active in litter prevention and teach them how they can be part of the solution.
For more information on the Girl Scouts and PalmettoPride Earth Day 2021 statewide litter prevention campaign, email [email protected] or [email protected]
PalmettoPride is working towards a litter-free South Carolina. Created as a legislative initiative to fight litter and help beautify South Carolina by engaging citizens to take action in their communities through education, enforcement, awareness, and pickup.
For more than one hundred years, Girl Scouting has helped girls develop positive values and become active, responsible leaders in their communities. With emphasis on personal growth and leadership development through service to others, Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.