Spring Valley Rotary Club awards scholarships

May 9, 2022

Spring Valley High School Seniors Recognized

Spring Valley Rotary Club awarded two Spring Valley High School graduating seniors with the club’s annual scholarships at its May 5th lunch meeting. The scholarships are funded by a portion of the proceeds of the club’s annual pecan sale. Award recipients are Jillian McNally and Kayla Tuazon. Both students received a $2,500 scholarship.

Kayla Tuazon

McNally’s high school years have been filled with a variety of experiences including Key Club, HOSA, yearbook staff, tennis, swimming and several honor societies. In addition to her high school studies and activities, she has managed to maintain employment, working before the start of the school day as a lifeguard. McNally is a scholar, community servant, athlete and even has experience as a barista. She ranks in the two 2% of Spring Valley’s graduating class of over 400 students, and plans to attend Joliet Junior College to play basketball for a year before transferring to a four-year university. Her mother is Tracy McNally.

Jillian McNally

Tuazon has demonstrated servitude and academic excellence. She is a member of HOSA and both the Science and English National Honor Societies. In the athletic realm, she plays on the varsity girl’s lacrosse team and is an athletic trainer. In addition to her volunteer work with PAALs and the Riverbanks Zoo, she works part-time as a restaurant hostess and waitress. She ranks in the top 5% of Spring Valley’s graduating class of over 400 students, and plans to attend the University of South Carolina. Her parents are Terry and Flordeliza Tuazon.

Spring Valley Rotary Club is a service club of inspired individuals whose contributions improve lives in communities near and far. The club meets every Thursday from 1 to 2 pm in the Grand Hall of Northeast Presbyterian Church at 601 Polo Road in Northeast Columbia. To learn more about membership, contact Brian Dunphy at (803) 920-4751.