Riggs Partners announces 2023 pro bono marketing marathon for nonprofits
January 17, 2023Riggs Partners will hold its 25th annual CreateAthon event to benefit Midlands- and Upstate-area nonprofits on March 23-24, 2023. CreateAthon is a 24-hour marathon during which professionals provide marketing services to nonprofit organizations on a pro bono basis.
Riggs Partners encourages South Carolina’s Midlands and Upstate nonprofits to submit a CreateAthon application by February 10th. This year, nonprofit applicants will have the opportunity to submit a video with their applications sharing how they feel CreateAthon can best serve their organization. Applications are available at www.riggspartners.com, and selected nonprofits will be notified in February 2023.
“It’s hard to believe this is our 25th CreateAthon event,” said Teresa Coles, president of Riggs Partners. “As always, we’re honored to help nonprofits tell their stories in ways that can help move their work forward. And while CreateAthon was designed to benefit nonprofits, the experience has been an incredible gift to us over the years, helping to share both the culture and trajectory of our firm. Having the opportunity to meet so many people who have committed their careers to social impact work, and working alongside them to hone their brand communications, has been some of the most rewarding work we’ve ever done.”
CreateAthon began as Riggs Partners’ local community service program in 1998 and is now a national 501(c)(3) organization that has recruited more than 100 marketing and communications agencies, universities, professional organizations and corporate marketing teams as CreateAthon partners. This partner network has cumulatively served 1,600+ nonprofit organizations in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom and Romania; produced 4,000+ pro bono marketing projects; and delivered pro bono marketing and communications work valued at more than $26 million. Riggs Partners has served more than 200 South Carolina nonprofits since the program’s inception.
About Riggs Partners
Riggs Partners is a creative marketing consultancy that specializes in helping clients build Responsible Brands, aligning organizational health, business strategy and brand marketing. For more information, visit www.riggspartners.com.