Air Preserve | Smoke-Free Greer releases Greer restaurant survey results about being tobacco free

July 10, 2023

Air Preserve | Smoke-Free Greer, a grassroots movement in South Carolina to preserve the air we breathe, released results today from a recent survey from Smoke Free South Carolina about if their policies about being smoke and tobacco free, including e-cigarettes, allowing smoking outdoors and feelings about ordinances in Greer, SC.

Questions and responses to the survey:

Is your establishment Smoke/Tobacco?
YES 100% NO 0%

If so, do you have a formal policy?
YES 6% NO 94%

Comments included: we have signs on the door, smoking would cause issues with our kitchen, and yes not even allowed on the patio.

Does your policy cover e-cigarettes/vapes?

YES 100% NO 0%

Do you have an issue with patrons using them? Comments ranged from customers know they need to go outside, to yes we have issues and have to ask customers to go outside to yes, have to write up employees who vape.

Do you allow smoking outdoors?

YES 100% NO  0%

Certain distance? Comments ranged from No, to we thought Greer had an ordinance like Greenville City, employees have a designated area, customers have to be away from other customers, must be away from outdoor tables and chairs.

How do you feel about a smokefree ordinance in Greer that would protect staff and patrons?


The results from this survey show restaurants are enforcing tobacco and vape free environments for their customers’ enjoyment, are posting signage to keep customers from smoking and vaping inside the restaurants and feel an ordinance would protect staff and patrons. The City of Greenville and the City of Spartanburg have already passed smoke-free ordinances.


Air Preserve | Smoke-Free Greer

Air Preserve | Smoke-Free Greer was formed to keep and preserve our clean, healthy air. Clean air, free of secondhand smoke and vaping aerosol, remains the standard to protect health. In South Carolina, 4 in 10 adults are deprived of the right to breathe clean air in public places. Every day, 1 in 5 adults in South Carolina is exposed to secondhand smoke in cars or other vehicles. For more information, visit our website at

Air Preserve | Smoke-Free Greer is an initiative of Just Say Something. Just Say Something is a non-profit, 501(c)3 community organization founded in 1984 in South Carolina whose mission is to encourage youth, parents, and communities to have open, honest, and ongoing conversations about alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other risky behavior. For more information, call 864.467.4099 or visit our website at