Mayor of Fountain Inn Announces Campaign for Re-election

July 16, 2023

On Friday, July 14, Mayor George Patrick “GP” McLeer announced that he would be running for re-election as mayor of Fountain Inn.

To learn more about McLeer, his background and position on the issues important to Fountain Inn click HERE. The election is Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Here is his statement McLeer posted on social media Friday:

“I am proud to announce my campaign for re-election as Mayor of Fountain Inn!

For four years, we’ve navigated challenges and opportunities, together. We’ve made landmark investments in infrastructure, public safety, and our community parks. We’ve made it a priority to be there at each other’s side – at ribbon cuttings, festivals, community meetings, for easy conversations and for difficult ones, to solve problems and to celebrate success.

Just take a walk down Main Street and you’ll see updated storefronts, new businesses open and more on the way, and you’ll see young families and familiar faces all making new memories, together.

There’s a lot of good in Fountain Inn’s future – the implementation of our new Comprehensive Plan and our new Parks Master Plan, stronger public services, continued improvements to our historic downtown – more parking, more green space, more businesses and jobs, and more small town charm.

I hope you’ll join me over these next few months (Election Day is November 7) to learn more about my campaign and how we can continue working together for our community. I would be honored to continue serving as your mayor, in the best city in America, our home, Fountain Inn.”