City Council Highlights | September 5, 2023

September 5, 2023

During the consent agenda portion of this evening’s City Council meeting, City Council approved improvements new contracts and amendments to continue investment in the water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure throughout the City and Columbia Water service area.

As part of City Council’s efforts on beautification, approval was given for a contract for the design and installation of entrance signs to the City.  The number and location of the signs will be determined as part of the design process (Item #10.) Approval was granted for a contract amendment to continue funding assistance with operating the City’s storm water utility.  This contract covers water quality sampling, reporting and storm water program implementation.  These activities are a regulatory requirement and are targeted to minimize storm water pollution and improve water quality in the City’s streams and rivers (Item #13.) As part of the continuing efforts to improve the provision of wastewater services for our customers, approval was granted to two projects to improve wastewater conveyance capabilities in and around the Lower Saluda River and to handle biosolids at the wastewater treatment plant (Items #14 and 15.)

City Council also approved the first reading of Water and Sewer Bond Ordinance. Approval was granted for the issuance of revenue bonds to support continuing capital improvements to the water and wastewater systems. Refunding of some previous bond indebtedness may also be considered as part of this package (Item #25.)


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