City Council highlights from June 4, 2024
June 7, 2024To start yesterday’s City Council Meeting, City Council approved the honorary naming of East Chapel Drive as “Dr. Ronald L. Rhames Way.” After approval, District II Councilman Edward McDowell Jr., presented the street sign to Dr. Ronald L. Rhames, who was joined by his family and former staff at Midlands Technical College. Dr. Ronald L. Rhames began his tenure at Midlands Technical College in 1990 and became the college’s first African-American president in 2015.
After the honorary naming presentation, City Council presented several proclamations.
First, Mayor Daniel J. Rickenmann presented the “Joy of Fatherhood Month” proclamation to the South Carolina Center of Fathers and Families, which equips tens of thousands of fathers across our state with resources and knowledge needed to embrace responsible fatherhood.
The “National Homeownership Month” proclamation was also presented by Mayor Rickenmann and was received by the City of Columbia’s Community Development Department staff, who for over 45 years has been working to revitalize communities and provide affordable housing and financial information to the citizens of Columbia.
The last proclamation by Mayor Rickenmann, was a surprise presentation to retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major Adrian Nelson. In 2005, Nelson began working for the Main Street District and the yellow shirt ambassadors. The yellow shirts are tasked with keeping the 36-block area of the Main Street District free of litter and graffiti, tending to plants and public places, fastening promotional banners, and making patrons feel safe and welcome. The official proclamation was labeled as “Sergeant Major Adrian Nelson Day.”
After the proclamations, Director of Engineering Dana Higgins updated City Council and the public about the Quiet Zone One Project. This project aims to reduce the railroad noise in particular areas of the City, while maintaining safety for our pedestrians and drivers.
City Council also approved the first reading of the City of Columbia budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, which begins on July 1, 2024 until June 30, 2025.
During the regular portion of the City Council meeting, City Council approved a $69.2 million construction contract requested by Columbia Water. This construction contract is for Project SS7560, Lower Crane Creek Equalization Storage Facility, which will provide the necessary sewer capacity to accommodate the construction and startup of the Scout Motors facility and allowing for additional growth in the Crane Creek, Smith Branch and Rocky Branch sewer basins. [Attached is an informational sheet about the project]
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