S.C. American Revolution 250 Commission invites public to Spartanburg events

August 13, 2024

The South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) invites the public to its Quarter 1 Commission meeting and activities, which will be held in Spartanburg on August 22 and 23.

The events kick off with a bus tour of Spartanburg County American Revolution sites and a meet-and-greet reception with SC250 Commission and County 250 committee members and guests in the Kennedy Room of Local History of the Spartanburg County Library on August 22. The SC250 Commission meeting will take place at the Tony White Theater at Wofford College on August 23.

All events, including the Commission meeting, are open to the public. Pre-registration is requested, especially for those interested in joining the bus tour on August 22.

For more information and to register, visit southcarolina250.com/meeting-agendas-minutes.


About SC250

The South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) was chartered by the state General Assembly to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary Era and highlight the state’s significant role in securing America’s independence. SC250’s mission is to celebrate and promote South Carolina’s role in the American Revolution by engaging and inspiring South Carolinians and visitors through heritage tourism, rural economic growth initiatives and educational programs. Learn more at CelebrateSC250.com.