Aqua Diamond establishes operations in Abbeville County

November 4, 2024

Aqua Diamond establishes operations in Abbeville CountyBeverage and packaging company to create 8 jobs in incubator space

Aqua Diamond LLC, a pre-revenue startup company, has established its headquarters and operations in Abbeville County.

The company offers unique patented product packaging solutions and additive-free flavored water products under the AQUADIAMOND™ brand, having recently received a wholesale permit. The company will produce 8 jobs at the Abbeville County Manufacturing Incubator, including jobs to support Research & Development as the company develops sustainable, plastic-free packaging over the next five years.

AQUADIAMOND™ “water” is available in four flavors and is packaged using innovative methods with eco-friendly practices and sustainable sourcing at the forefront.

The company has worked with the Abbeville County Economic Development Partnership, McCormick County Economic Development, the Columbia Area Small Business Development Center, and the SC Department of Agriculture in Colleton County.

The Abbeville Manufacturing Incubator is a 22,000-square-foot facility with four 5,000-square-foot manufacturing bays and 1,000 square feet of shared office space. It is owned by Abbeville County and operated by the Abbeville County Economic Development Partnership, and with the lease of Aqua Diamond, the building is fully occupied.

The Abbeville Manufacturing Incubator three additional tenants are Logica Automation, PHV Engineering and Orion Safety Systems. These companies each have Brazilian ownership. Together, the three companies have pledged to create more than 18 jobs over the next three years.