A Lot of Greenville Health System Swamp Rabbit Hoppenings

July 14, 2014

GREENVILLE, SC – We are in the heat of summer and I hope everyone is having fun with friends and family. Here is the latest GHS Swamp Rabbit Hoppenings and other great community news in no particular order:


  • The GHS Swamp Rabbit has hopped a little further earlier this week. 1.4 miles of asphalt has been laid down north of Travelers Rest but WE ARE NOT YET READY TO HAVE YOU COME EXPLORE. And that is why you will see the trail closed barricades up until we get everything finished. We are excited and know you are too but just bear with us a little longer as we put the finishing touches on things. Help spread the word and let everyone know that we are close but not open yet.
  • A thank you goes out to our latest trail mile marker sponsor, The Swamp Rabbit Inn, the six bedroom European Style Inn is just cool! They bring the same sense of community you get on the trail to a cozy inn. Located between Fluor Field and the GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail they are the perfect launching point for out-of-town visitors or “staycationers” who love making new friends and exploring via two-wheels.
  • Keep an eye out for temporary trail closure signs at Cedar Lane Rd and West Blue Ridge Rd in the next few days. You may have noticed the demolition of the old factory just north of Cedar Lane Rd.  Duke Energy needs to close the trail for 3-4 hours at that location. I will get up signs hopefully five days before the work so you can plan accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. We are excited that City Lights Fellowship has acquired the property and have a great vision to weave this property into the fabric of the GHS Swamp Rabbit community. Look for big changes in the near future. Touch base with Chris Armfield at the link above if you want to get more details.
  • If you lose or find something on the trail post details to our Facebook page. Its easier than having a large cardboard “Lost and Found” box somewhere on the trail. I found a watch on the trail the other day. If its yours let me know.
  • Mark your calendars for the Epic Bike Day at the Travelers Rest Farmers Market at Trailblazer Park July 26th from 9-12. The conference bike will be there along with bamboo bikes, live music, a tomato sandwich taste-off  and a whole lot more. Details
  • We are accepting proposals for food cart vendors on the GHS Swamp Rabbit. Details…
  • The Greenville County Planning Staff Greenville County Planning Staff is working on an update to Greenville County’s Existing Bike Routes document within the more urbanized areas of Greenville County that will help improve connections for everyday activities/errands in addition to recreational riding. This is not a “bike plan”, but rather an intense compilation of existing conditions that will help to highlight potential routes for those of all activity levels/skillsets. 5- 10 minutes of your time would be greatly appreciated to fill out this survey.
  • My sincere thanks to everyone that takes pride in the trail and lets us know when a tree is down or something needs our attention. Keep my cellphone number handy 864-331-9631. You are our rapid response team, thank you!!
  • Congrats to Swamp Rabbit Brewery in Travelers Rest for their gold medal at the U.S. Open Beer Championships for its Raspberry Whitey.Read more…
  • The new JFA Trail at Pleasant Ridge County Park on Hwy 11 is open for everyone’s enjoyment. Thank you Elizabeth, Carlos, and Upstate SORBA for your passion and energy! Go check it out and let us know what you think. The trail loop is directional and changes monthly so please take a minute to read the info at the trailhead kiosk at Shelter 1. Bikers start on the other side of the street from the parking lot and head Clockwise in June. Follow Pleasant Ridge Camp and Retreat Center on FB to follow trail closures due to rain.
  • Upstate SORBA  is offering a Thursday evening women’s Mtn bike ride on the JFA trail. All skill levels welcome. Call Kelly at Sunrift (864)834-3019 for details. Check out their Facebook page for all the other fun events they have planned through the summerhttps://www.facebook.com/upstatesorba
  • Sign up and we will take your kids to trails in SC and western NC during Mountain Bike Camp July 28th – August 1st. Its for boys and girls ages 8-12 and all day from 7:30 – 5:30 and includes visits to our water parks. (No they won’t be riding their bikes down the waterslides.)
  • There is a new spur between Downtown Conestee and the GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail.  It starts right at Old Mill Café and Catering! Thank you Victory Chapel Baptist Church, Bud Tollison, Lake Conestee Nature Park and Old Mill Café for making it happen.
  • Thank you BB&T for  planting the flowers at Roe Ford Rd and for building the “Shade Tree Play Pen” at Swamp Rabbit Green. Many hands make fun and beautiful things happen!
  • Did you know that 193 species of birds have been identified at Lake Conestee Nature Park!? The best way for you to see for yourself is to tag along with the Greenville County Birding Clubs 3rd Saturday outings and my favorite way to get to Lake Conestee is of course via the GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail. By the way, we have worked things out with “Justin Beaver” just below Mauldin Rd. He is happy doing his thing and we have been able to keep the trail dry for a number of months now.


Okay, thanks for your time but more importantly thanks for everything all of you do to make the GHS Swamp Rabbit a great community asset. Stay in touch, have fun, stay right, pass left.