Action Plans that Drive Business Part 3: Search Optimization

March 7, 2016

By Kelly Coulter


Get found before your competitors

Studies show that the #1 search result AFTER the paid ads gets more than 30% of the clicks for any given search. That means if you type “pizza” into Google, chances are you are going to the first restaurant listed BELOW the sponsored results.



Here’s a graphic to illustrate:

No surprise, the top search results are coveted spots. Many businesses resort to paying for ‘Sponsored’ ads in order to ensure they are at the top. However, check the above graphic. Paying for search placement can be a mistake. Customers put the most faith and trust into the top organic/non-paid results. So, how does a business ensure they get one? And how does a business stay on top once they are there?

Here are a few search facts to consider:

  • Google may not know you exist. You would be shocked at the number of business owners I talk to who AREN’T EVEN LISTED in search engines. This is an easy fix – make sure your site is “indexed” properly.
  • Your location is very important. In order for you to show up on the map and in local searches you have to make sure your physical address is apparent to search engines. Here’s a hint: search engines aren’t spending time combing through your site looking for your address. Make it clear on your site. In addition, create a Google+ business page for each location.
  • Know what words your customers are searching. We all get caught up in our own industry jargon. And sometimes our websites do too. Consumers may not be using the same terminology you are to refer to your product or service.

Search optimization is both an art and a science. Top placement relies on good mechanics within the website, as well as ongoing creation of quality content and information within the website and in social media. It starts at the very beginning – during the planning stages of the website.


Good Mechanics

Websites that perform best in search are built with a solid understanding of:

  • the methods search engines use to get to know your site (this is called “indexing” by search professionals.)
  • the terms and phrases customers use the find the product/service when searching.


Ongoing creation of quality content

The content of the site contains the words and phrases search engines will store, and then draw on later when a customer searches.

In order to know that your site is reputable and of the highest quality search engines will look at data like age of your content, and how many likes and shares your content links typically get in social media. So, an ongoing content strategy is critical to search optimization. A social promotion strategy is pretty darned important too.

And that’s why search is a topic in this series. Search is part of the marketing strategy, and should be considered when planning the message, product line, and content of the website and social media.


Your Assignment

In your action plan building assignment this week I will ask you to perform a little research regarding search and your product. It will help you gain an understanding of the way potential customers are using search engines to find you (or your competitors.)

Here’s how:

  1. Pull out the action plan document you started in week #1. If you missed the first 2 articles in this series, here are the links:

Part #1:

Part #2:

  1. Use the Google Keyword suggester tool as a first step to determining what terms should be used most in your site to attract visits from searchers.
  2. Order the keyword suggestions the tool gives in order from highest search volume to lowest.
  3. Make a new page in your action plan document titled “Search”. List the terms with the highest search volume AND the highest value to your product. There may be search term suggestions that don’t have a lot to do with your product. You can leave those out.

Next week we will talk about brand and message planning. In the meantime, send me your questions at [email protected]. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


About Kelly Coulter

Hi, I’m Kelly Coulter (Kelly Coulter and Associates; We help companies like yours grow and engage customers with killer websites, share-able social media, and data-driven search optimization. We are located in Columbia, and we do work for companies across the country. 

Want to talk? Email me at [email protected] or sign up for a consultation time that works for you here: