AnMed Health honored by S.C. Governor’s Quality Forum
November 2, 2010ANDERSON, SC – November 2, 2010 – AnMed Health received a Bronze Award from the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Forum. The award is given to organizations whose progress toward implementing the Baldrige criteria is worthy of recognition.
The Baldrige criteria are the standards for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The award recognizes performance excellence in organizations in the business, health care, education and nonprofit sectors. It is the only formal recognition of performance excellence given by the President of the United States to both public and private organizations.
The South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award is based on the national Baldrige criteria and shares a similar application and examination process. A trained board of examiners and judges evaluate candidate organizations, make site visits and recommend award recipients. Winners were celebrated and recognized on Oct. 27, 2010 at the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award Conference in Columbia.
AnMed Health applied for the Governor’s Quality Award hoping to learn how the health system measures up to a nationally-recognized set of quality standards.
Bill Manson, AnMed Health’s president and chief operating officer, said, “The national Baldrige Award is one of most prestigious awards an organization can receive in the area of quality and management excellence. The criteria provide a framework for success used by many outstanding companies. We are pleased we were recognized in our first year of participation, and we will use the written feedback to continue our ‘excellence’ journey.”
More information about the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Forum is available online at To learn more about AnMed Health, go to