Annual prayer breakfast with Reverend Eric S.C. Manning
March 22, 2017The YMCA of Columbia Christian Emphasis Committee is excited to host its annual community prayer breakfast. The prayer breakfast is a special time where people from all parts of the community join together for a time of inspiration, unification and prayer.
Wednesday, May 3
Doors and breakfast buffet open at 7:00 am
Program begins at 7:30 am
$400 for a table of 8 (Sponsorship Form)
Brookland Baptist Church – Banquet and Conference Center
1066 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia, SC 29169
Event Details:
This year’s speaker is Reverend Eric S.C. Manning, Pastor, Mother Emmanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, SC.
A young reverend stood in a house filled with mourners ready to minister. His parishioner had been strangled, her body dumped. The Rev. Eric S.C. Manning prayed with the victim’s devastated mother, reciting from Psalms, one of his favorite books in the Bible: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Days later, Manning led the funeral for the young woman. It was his first eulogy for a murder victim.
“Standing there delivering the eulogy was hard but God brought me through that,” he said, recalling that emotional moment 14 years ago.
Over the years, Manning has dealt with tragedy and death. The prayers and comfort he knows how to give to people who have lost a loved one in a sudden, savage way prepared him for what is one of the toughest recent pastor assignments in America: being the spiritual leader of Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
For More Information:
Contact Wendy Broderick