BE&K/Turner, Design-Builder for Boeing South Carolina 787 Expansion, Receives Silver Boeing Performance Excellence Award

January 26, 2011

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC – January 26, 2011 – BE&K/Turner,design-builder for the Boeing South Carolina 787 Expansion, todayannounced that it has received a 2010 Boeing Performance ExcellenceAward. The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognizesuppliers who have achieved superior performance.  BE&K/Turnermaintained a Silver composite performance rating for each month of the12-month performance period, from Oct. 1, 2009, to Sept. 30, 2010.

This year, Boeing recognized 558 suppliers who achieved either a Gold orSilver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award. BE&K/Turner isone of only 417 suppliers to receive the Silver level of recognition. 

title=“Weare truly honored that Boeing has selected the BE&K/Turner JointVenture for this special distinction,” said Mac Carpenter (pictured left),project executive for the Boeing South Carolina 787 Expansion. “Onbehalf of the BE&K/Turner Joint Venture, together with our designpartner BRPH, we want to thank our many outstanding subcontractors forhelping us deliver on our promises to Boeing over the past 14 months – and most importantly, for doing it safely.”

In December 2010 BE&K/Turner’s project team achieved a significantsafety milestone — 2 million labor-hours worked without a lost-timeincident. Last June, BE&K/Turner was named General Contractor of theYear by the American Subcontractors Association (ASA) of the Carolinas(Charleston Chapter).

BE&K/Turner’s design partner on the Boeing South Carolina 787Expansion project is BRPH Architects-Engineers, Inc. TheBE&K/Turner/BRPH design-build team is headquartered at the BuildingGroup’s regional office in Greenville, SC. 

Project Schedule Recap — BE&K/Turner broke ground on the BoeingSouth Carolina 787 Expansion in November 2009, began steel erection inApril 2010, set the first steel trusses in May 2010, and formallycelebrated reaching the highest point of the final assembly and deliveryfacility in September 2010.