Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments unveils set of major transportation plans

December 3, 2018

The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) announced today the availability of three major regional transportation plans for public review: the CHATS 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the BCD Regional Transit Framework Plan and the CHATS Congestion Management Process.

These and associated documents will guide decision making regarding transportation improvements and spending in the region for years to come.

All three documents were prepared through collaboration with stakeholders and the public starting with public symposiums in the summer of 2017. Information gathered at all public meetings and the project websites have guided the priority projects outlined in the plans.

The BCDCOG will now hold three additional public open houses on the basic elements of these plans for the public to consider and provide feedback on the draft documents prior to final adoption. The agency invites the public to attend one of the following three public open houses or to provide comment via the project websites: or


  • Monday, Dec. 10
    • 5-7 p.m.
    • Cuthbert Community Center
    • 105 W. 5th Street, Summerville
  • Tuesday, Dec. 11
    • 5-7 p.m.
    • City of Goose Creek Fire Department
    • 201 Button Hall Avenue, Goose Creek
  • Thursday, Dec. 13
    • 5-7 p.m.
    • BCDCOG Barrett Lawrimore Conference Room
    • 1362 McMillan Avenue, North Charleston

“With projections for continued economic prosperity and growth in the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester region, it is imperative that we have a comprehensive, multimodal transportation network and a plan that prioritizes projects that will render the greatest cost/benefit in addressing mobility for all users,” said BCDCOG planning director Kathryn Basha. “A collaborative effort among residents, jurisdictions, transportation providers and the state has enabled the region to develop comprehensive, long-range plans that will be in addressing the region’s needs.”

The Long-Range Transportation Plan – overseen by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) called the Charleston Area Transportation Study (CHATS) – is the community’s overarching guide to the development of a regional transportation system that meets the current and future mobility needs of the region’s residents. This plan covers all modes of transport including automobile, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, railroad, freight, and intermodal movements. Updated every five years, the policy document outlines strategies and actions for addressing transportation issues and needs in the Charleston area.

The Regional Transit Framework, along with the LRTP, will set the foundation for transit investment as part of a multi-modal transportation system. The study examined how residents travel across the region and where development patterns are favorable to high-capacity transit services.

The Congestion Management Process, or CMP, is a federally required element of the long-range planning practice for the CHATS area. It assesses conditions, identifies deficiencies, and suggests both actions and a monitoring schedule.

The draft Congestion Management Process, Long Range Transportation Plan, and Regional Transit Framework Plan documents can be viewed online. More information on these documents can be found at or or by contacting Kathryn Basha at 843.529.0400 or [email protected].


Si usted necesita la ayuda de un traductor del idioma español, por favor comuníquese con la Michelle Emerson al teléfono (843) 529-0400 x223, cuando menos 48 horas antes de la junta.


The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments is a three-county regional agency that offers a variety of planning, economic development and social services to grow and develop the tri-county area. BCDCOG’s purpose is to strengthen the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate duplication, and make joint decisions. For the latest on BCDCOG, visit, like us on Facebook or follow on Twitter at @BCDCOG.