Berkeley County Council approves 200-plus resurfacing projects

December 18, 2024

City, County and State Roadways Around the County

Berkeley County Council has approved resurfacing work for 227 city, county and state roads located around Berkeley County. Council approved these items at its meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024. Funding for these projects will stem from the One Cent Sales Tax Program, Berkeley County Transportation Committee (CTC) funds, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

**See spreadsheet attached with full lists of roads.

2022 One Cent Sales Tax Referendum: The county has awarded a contract for $12,168,219.35 to Banks Construction for resurfacing and base work for 97 roads (32.95 miles).

Voters approved the One Cent Sales Tax Referendum in November 2022. In addition to Local Paving projects like Dirt-to-Pave projects, the One Cent Sales Tax Program helps fund Capacity Projects, Intersection Improvement Projects, Major Resurfacing Projects, Local and State Resurfacing Projects, Other Transportation Projects, and Greenbelt Preservation Projects.

CTC funds: The county has awarded a contract to Sanders Brothers Construction for $7,754,023.06 to resurface 32 roads (14.9 miles).

ARPA funds: The county has awarded a contract to Banks Construction for the following:

  • $5,868,332.20 to resurface 98 roads (20.7 miles).
  • $2,431,949.15 to complete five Dirt-to-Pave roads (.0721 miles).

“Roads and infrastructure remain a top priority for County leadership and staff. That’s because it’s one of the public’s chief concerns. Enhanced roadways improve traffic and quality of life in our communities. Council and I will continue to prioritize these projects across our entire county as we move into the New Year. We understand there is much to do, and we will continue to commit all resources available to address this critical need.” -Johnny Cribb, Berkeley County Supervisor

Amberside Drive Alligator Road Abbey Lane
Autumn Lane Allison Avenue Abrum Court
Baldwin Lane Alpine Drive Ashton Drive
Balmoral Circle Altman Road Barn Road
Belleplaine Drive Annette Drive Barrie Court
Box Turtle Court Azalea Court Belle Grove Circle
Braeford Court Barrington Boulevard Brighton Court
Cable Court Barry’s Place Bristol Lane
Cable Drive Bay Street British Drive
Caboose Court Calamus Pond Road Bronwen Court
Cainhoy Village Road Church of God Road Buckingham Drive
Cairnwell Pass Clarine Drive Bufflehead Way
Calamus Pond Road Duck Pond Court Camden Street
Candleberry Circle Edison Avenue Carrie Lane
Cannon Avenue Foxborough Cul-De-Sac Cascade Court
Carlisle Bay Court Foxborough Road Catalpa Court
Carter Drive Funk Avenue Centurion Lane
Castlecombe Court Gulledge Street Church Place
Churchill Road Hedge Row Road Cicero Court
Coachman Lane Judy Drive Coneflower Court
College Drive Law Avenue Courtney Round
Colonel Maham Drive Loftis Road Crystal Street
Conductor Court Longstreet Street Deben Court
Conset Bay Court Mail Route Road Deer Cross Court
Creek Stone Way Melvin Drive Delahow Street
Cross Tie Court Metts Street Dillard Drive
Crossbill Trail Oleander Drive Dover Court
Crowfield Boulevard Salvo Street/Melvin Drive Drayton Court
Cuthbert Drive Stag Street Dresden Drive
Dundalk Court Tammie Avenue Elm Village Drive
Eight Point Road United Drive Ethanhill Street
Expressway Drive Faire Thorne Drive
Fairchild Street Greenland Drive
Farrell Street Harrow Place
Fort Drive Haverstraw Court
Hastie Drive Horseshoe Drive
Hawks Circle Indigo Island Drive
Hopper Drive Iron Bottom Lane
Indigo Lane Isherwood Drive
Iron Court Island Park Drive
Iron Road Issac Court
Island Park roundabout (at Robert Daniel Drive) Ithecaw Creek Street
Judy Hill Drive Ivybridge Court
Kingsbridge Drive Jillian Circle
Kitridge Point Kendall Court
Lauren Lane Kersey Terrace
Loganberry Circle Kingfisher Court
Long Bay Court Kings Court
Long Needle Drive Knottingham Drive
Lowndes Road Leone Court
Lyle Road Lexington Place
Mallory Drive Manchester Court
Mano Street Marclay Court
Messina Street Marleybone Court
Monsarret Lane McKelvey Place
Moorchester Court Michelle Manor
Mustang Circle