Blackbaud to Participate in a Book Reading and Panel at South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival

March 9, 2012

Sessions to feature social media and gamification for nonprofits

CHARLESTON, SC – March 9, 2012 – Blackbaud representatives will be participating in a book reading andmoderating a panel at this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) InteractiveFestival in Austin, Texas, kicking off Friday, March 9. An incubator ofcutting-edge technologies, the event features five days of compellingpresentations from the brightest minds in emerging technology andfeatures a “Greater Good” track focused on how nonprofits and socialentrepreneurs are leveraging technology for the greater good. 

SXSW Book Reading
101 Social Media Tactics for Nonprofits
Monday, March 12, 9:30 a.m.
Speakers: Melanie Mathos and Chad Norman, BlackbaudCo-authors Melanie Mathos and Chad Norman will share a preview of therecently released book 101 Social Media Tactics for Nonprofits. Thisbook provides nonprofits 101 ways to engage supporters, share theirmissions and inspire action using the social web in a how-to, casestudy-driven format. Nonprofits know they need to start engaging withsupporters through social media channels. They identify who they want toreach, set objectives and build a strategy. Many nonprofits get stuckat this point because it is hard to keep up with the ever-evolving worldof social media tools and tactics in what has emerged as a vitalcommunication channel. This session will help nonprofits discover newways of deploying their strategies to meet their social mediaobjectives.

SXSW Panel
Boost Fundraising & Engagement with “Gamification”
Tuesday, March 13, 3:30 PM
Speakers: Frank Barry, Blackbaud; Laura Hartman, Zynga; Patty Huber, Groupon; Randy Paynter,; Steve Kehrli, PETA
Gamification, eh? You’ve seen it all over the place, but likely nevernoticed. From Farmville and Mafia Wars to Foursquare and Gowalla,gamification has spread like wild fire in recent years – Daily dealplatforms are incenting you with group-buying, credit card companies arerewarding you with cash back, and airlines are offering you freeflights for miles/points. But did you know that nonprofits have beenusing gaming tactics for years? Join us and we’ll show you real worldexamples of “gamified” fundraising initiatives, simple gaming tacticsthat have been proven to work, and how to take advantage of gamificationat your organization.

For more information about the Conference, visit

About Blackbaud
Serving the nonprofit and education sectors for 30 years, Blackbaud(NASDAQ: BLKB) combines technology and expertise to help organizationsachieve their missions. Blackbaud works with more than 25,000 customersin over 60 countries that support higher education, healthcare, humanservices, arts and culture, faith, the environment, independent K-12education, animal welfare, and other charitable causes. The companyoffers a full spectrum of cloud-based and on-premise software solutionsand related services for organizations of all sizes including:fundraising, eMarketing, social media, advocacy, constituentrelationship management (CRM), analytics, financial management, andvertical-specific solutions. Using Blackbaud technology, theseorganizations raise more than $100 billion each year. Recognized as atop company by Forbes, InformationWeek, and Software Magazine andhonored by Best Places to Work, Blackbaud is headquartered inCharleston, South Carolina and has employees throughout the US, and inAustralia, Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, the Netherlands, and the UnitedKingdom. For more information, visit