Broad Insights CEO defends dissertation in Paris

April 5, 2018

Jim Wiginton, CEO of Broad Insights, a Greenville-based business coaching firm, recently defended his dissertation and received his Doctor of Business Administration degree from Paris School of Business.

Wiginton’s dissertation, “A Survey of Business Coaching Impacts on Companies and Their Leaders,” focuses on measuring the impacts of business coaching. The research includes a survey of all past and current Broad Insights clients, evaluating the results of business coaching for the individual and the organization. The survey also reveals Broad Insights’ Net Promoter Score (NPS), the perceived ROI from Broad Insights coaching, and data on the six categories of benefit to coaching recipients.

The field of business coaching is virtually unregulated, and results are proven mostly by anecdote. Qualifications vary wildly among coaches. Wiginton is hopeful that his research and continued leadership in the field will lead to further rigor in tracking and measuring results.

“The impact of business coaching can be observed and systematically measured, so companies and leaders shouldn’t depend on business coaches who don’t have a record of producing documented results,” said Wiginton.

Wiginton’s committee was composed of Dr. Phillip Cartwright, Professor of Economics, PSB; Dr. Sylvaine Castellano, Professor and Head of Research, PSB; and Dr. Josse Roussel, Dean of the Executive DBA, PSB.


About Broad Insights

With more than 100 clients served in the past five years, Broad Insights is one of the leading business coaching and strategy companies in the nation. With a team of more than a dozen coaches, Business Insights works with mid-sized companies that are looking to create more effective leadership, enhance employee engagement, clarify strategy, and increase customer satisfaction. Learn more at