Care Management Solutions Lunchtime Lecture – August 10

July 24, 2017

As part of its Lunchtime Lecture series, The Lourie Center will host guest speakers Jennifer Kistler and Melba Allard, Care Navigators, for a presentation on LTC Health Solutions’ care management program.  “Care Management Solutions” will take place on Thursday August 10, 11:30 am-12:30 pm.

If you are homebound following illness, injury, or hospitalization, a care-management team can provide in-home services to meet your specific care needs.  Learn more about: Transitional Care, Chronic Care, Palliative Care, Physician Services, Supplemental Services, and more.

The event is free and open to Lourie Center members and the public.

Lunch is provided courtesy of our sponsorLTC Health Solutions to those who RSVP to [email protected] or at 803-779-1971 x 103.