Charge card spending by state government for the month of June now available online

July 15, 2010

All charge card purchases made by state government — including state-supported colleges and universities — during the month of June are now available online. (Click here.)

Comptroller Richard Eckstrom has begun posting monthly the charge card expenditures on his office’s Web site,, as part of an effort to increase government transparency and reduce opportunities for waste and fraud. More than $16 million was spent in South Carolina using government-issued charge cards during June.

Eckstrom is also appealing to the media to inform the public that it can view reports on state government charge card spending by going to his office’s Web site. 

State revenue down during June

Eckstrom also announced today total state revenues for the month of June 2010 were down $16 million from the previous June. On a cumulative basis, revenues are about $340 million behind  the same point last year, he said. 

“These revenue shortfalls underscore the continued need for extreme caution on spending, and highlight the importance of having proper controls against wasteful or improper use of public money,” Eckstrom said. “Transparency measures such as online charge card reports are important under ordinary times, but even more so during times of low revenue, when every dollar is being stretched and the demands on them increased.”