Chernoff Newman Receives Five Awards from SC Chapter of Public Relations Society of America

April 28, 2011

CHARLESTON, SC – April 28, 2011 –  Chernoff Newman took homefive awards in the 2011 Mercury Awards presented by the S.C. Chapter ofthe Public Relations Society of America, including a Mercury Award forIntegrated Communications on behalf of Santee Cooper and a Silver WingAward for Media Relations for the S.C, Department of Agriculture.  The agency also received three Silver Wing Awards of Merit. Mercury Awards recognize public relations campaigns, while Silver Wing Awards honor individual tools and tactics employed in a campaign. A video montage of the work and results can be viewed on YouTube. Or, see the video below.

The integrated communications Mercury was awarded for the agency’s work on Santee Cooper’s Reduce the Use campaign.  Through media relations, advertising, the creation of a website and social media, the campaign resulted in distribution of 1 million compact fluorescent light bulbs and reducing electricity usage by 49.4 million kilowatt hours — enough to power 3700 households for a year. In addition to the Mercury for this campaign, Chernoff Newman won a Silver Wing Award of Merit for Creative Tactics for creation of a viral video and flash mob celebrating distribution of the 1 millionth CFL. 

Chernoff Newman’s Silver Wing Award was for a media tour conducted with Piggly Wiggly and the S.C. Department of Agriculture to showcase South Carolina-grown produce. The one-day tour included stops at Piggly Wiggly stores in Charleston, Columbia and Florence, featuring appearances by local farmers, food samples and cooking demonstrations using local produce. Media coverage garnered by the tour help increase sales of Certified SC Grown produce at Piggly Wiggly by 42 percent. 

The agency won a Silver Wing Award of Merit were for national media relations for Force Protection which resulted in a cover feature in USA Today. The other Silver Wing Award of Merit was for creation of a website to promote sales of Riverbanks Zoo & Garden’s comPOOst, a natural compost made from zoo animal waste. That effort helped Riverbanks sell 550 tons of comPOOst and eliminate over 15,000 cubic feet from landfills.

About Chernoff Newman

Chernoff Newman is a team of professionals who have a passion for the communications business. We work to solve problems and ultimately influence consumer behavior. Together, our offices in Columbia and Charleston, SC and Orlando, FL are a hub of activity, producing results for our clients through traditional and nontraditional advertising, interactive experiences, public relations and marketing communications. For more information, visit