City and Partners Announce Plans for a More Sustainable Greenville
March 2, 2012$1.8 million planning study underway for Greenville’s west side
GREENVILLE, SC – March 2, 2012 – The city of Greenville kickedoff Connections for Sustainability, a comprehensive planning effort thatis aimed at establishing connections between affordable housing,transportation options, economic development opportunities and openspace throughout the city, with a focus on Greenville’s west side.
Thestudy is made possible by community planning grants awarded by the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and U.S. Departmentof Transportation (DOT), along with other significant local and federalcontributions. Anticipated outcomes of the study include a citywidehousing strategy, a feasibility study for a bus rapid transit route andtransit-oriented development and a comprehensive plan to guide thefuture growth of Greenville’s west side.
The City has hired Development Concepts, Inc., a planning anddevelopment firm based in Indianapolis, to complete a citywide housingstrategy. This comprehensive assessment will focus on Greenville’shousing inventory, current and future housing needs and a strategic planto promote a variety of housing options while enhancing existingneighborhoods.
The City has also selected Omaha-based HDR Engineering, Inc., whichspecializes in architecture, engineering and consulting, to complete atransportation and bus rapid transit plan as part of the Connections forSustainability project. This plan will focus on the west side ofGreenville to identify ways to incorporate transit into existing andfuture development. The plan will also assess a potential bus rapidtransit route from the CUICAR campus to the Amtrak station in downtownGreenville that could support future transit-oriented development.
Extensive citizen participation will be integral to the success ofthe project and the City is committed to having an open, inclusiveprocess with a variety of forums and opportunities designed to attract abroad cross-section of citizens. Locally-based urban planning firmArnett Muldrow & Associates will help ensure the public is involvedin all steps of the project and that their input is reflected in thecommunity vision. Further public education and outreach will beprovided through a Livability Studio and Livability Educator. TheLivability Studio, to be located in the West Greenville CommunityCenter, will provide a hub for community outreach. The LivabilityEducator is currently working with AJ Whittenberg Elementary School tointegrate sustainability and livability principles into the classroom aswell as developing outreach materials and educational programs forafter school programs, community centers and residents.
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