City Council Votes Tuesday on Emanuel Nine Resolution

July 20, 2015

CHARLESTON, SC – Charleston City Councilman William Dudley Gregorie has submitted a resolution to honor the nine members of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church who were slain June 17.

If approved during City Council meeting on Tuesday the resolution will establish an annual nine-day observance beginning June 17, 2016, to remember the Emanuel Nine, who included the church’s pastor and State Senator Clementa Carlos Pinckney, Cynthia Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Tywanza Sanders, Ethel Lance, DePayne Middleton-Doctor, the Rev. Daniel L. Simmons Sr., Sharonda Singleton and the Rev. Myra Thompson.

The resolution also calls for the planting of one live oak tree on each of the nine days at nine separate locations throughout the city. The live oak, Gregorie said, is a symbol of Lowcountry resilience. The historic Mother Emanuel Church has suffered setbacks throughout its long history, said Gregorie, a church trustee. “Although the Church lost nine of its souls, Mother Emanuel as it always has done will recover.”

During a bond hearing for 21-year-old murder suspect Dylann Roof the relatives of the Emanuel Nine extended their forgiveness to him.

Gregorie said, “This resolution will honor the memory of the Emanuel Nine and serve as a lasting and living legacy of forgiveness.”

Since the resolution was submitted last week, Gregorie said he will add during the Council session two amendments to the resolution.

The first amendment calls for the planting of a live oak tree for each of the three survivors.

The second amendment will request that city staff research to determine what is required to change the name of Calhoun Street to Emanuel Way. Gregorie said “changing the street’s name to Emanuel Way will establish a permanent memorial and extend more grace to the victims’ families and the survivors. The forgiveness shown by the families has inspired a call for unity across the nation and the world. This spirit of a one Charleston must be memorialized.”

If the resolution is approved, a copy of it will go to each of the families and the Church.