City of Charleston Hurricane Matthew recovery update

November 10, 2016

Today, a total of 35 trucks were out in the City of Charleston collecting trash and debris, with City crews continuing to work 12-hour shifts. Both city and contractor trucks were collecting trash and debris in West Ashley and on James Island and Johns Island.

The city and county are tracking their debris removal progress in different zones (based on County mosquito control district zones). Charleston County has a map of the debris zones available on their website (

Crews are working and will continue to work in the active zones until a first pass is completed for that zone. Once a first pass is completed in one zone, the crews will then be moved onto another zone to complete a first pass there as well. This will continue until all zones have received a first pass approach. Subsequent passes will then be scheduled and made until the debris removal operations have been completed.

The following are the tables of the debris removal zones. The percentages of first pass completion listed are based on assessments through Wednesday, November 9.



Zone Number of Trucks (11/10) % First Pass Completion Notes
C1 0 100% The first pass completion is to be verified by the debris removal monitoring firm for all areas. There is some construction and demolition material remaining that will be removed later this week or next week once the crews are available.
C2 0 100%
C3 0 100%
C4 0 100%
N12 0 100%
N13 0 100%


West Ashley (14 trucks scheduled today)

Zone Number of Trucks (11/10) % First Pass Completion Notes
W0 0 100%
W1 0 100%
W2 2 95% The first pass completion percentage is to be verified by the debris removal monitoring firm. They had to follow-up with a few piles found by the monitoring company.
W3 0 100%
W4 0 100%
W5 0 100%
W6 2 90% The first pass removal is expected to be completed today.
W7 0 100%
W8 0 95% The first pass completion percentage is to be verified by the debris removal monitoring firm.
W9 9 60%
W10 1 95% The final streets for first pass removal are again expected to be completed today. They are still finishing areas with significant amounts of debris.
W11 0 95% The first pass completion percentage is to be verified by the debris removal monitoring firm.



James Island (16 trucks scheduled today)

Zone Number of Trucks (11/10) % First Pass Completion Notes
J1 2 80%
J2 3 40%
J3 5 50%
J4 1 60%
J5 2 60%
J6 2 60%
J7 0 95%
J8 1 40%


Johns Island (5 trucks scheduled today)

Zone Number of Trucks (11/10) % First Pass Completion Notes
JO1 1 50% Percentage based on City area assessment of GIS coverage data.
JO2 2 60%  Percentage based on City area assessment of GIS coverage data.
JO3 2 40%  Percentage based on City area assessment of GIS coverage data.
JO4 TBD TBD  Only a few City streets are in this area.


FEMA opened a Disaster Recovery Center in North Charleston today to help all Charleston County homeowners, renters and business owners who sustained damage and losses from Hurricane Matthew.

The center is located at 3887 Leeds Ave. (at the corner of Leeds and Bridgeview Dr.), N. Charleston, SC 29405.

Until further notice, the hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., MondayFriday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; Closed on Sunday.

According to FEMA, specialists from the State of South Carolina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), nongovernmental organizations and the local community will be on hand at the center to provide information on the types of assistance available to survivors.

For more information about the disaster recovery operation, please visit or the South Carolina Emergency Management Division at