City of Columbia Community Development seeks public feedback on plan for spending $18.5 million in disaster mitigation funds

April 6, 2020

Virtual Public Hearing Scheduled for April 6

The Community Development Department is seeking public comment on the Draft Mitigation Action Plan for spending $18.5 million in Community Development Block Grant – Mitigation (CDBG-MIT); funding allocated to City of Columbia by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These funds represent an opportunity for the City to assist areas impacted by the 2015 floods with the implementation of projects that will help communities mitigate and reduce future disaster risks.

The Draft Mitigation Action Plan is available for review on Community Development’s CDBG-Mitigation website at: Printed copies of the Mitigation Action Plan can be requested by calling (803) 545-3373.

As part of the public comment process, the City will hold a virtual public hearing on April 6 to provide information on the plan and obtain feedback and comments on the plan. Out of concern for the spread of COVID-19 and in accordance with state and federal guidance on public gatherings, the city will host its public hearing both online and by phone to allow residents to safely participate in the hearing.

Monday, April 6

Join Online: or click here

Join by phone: 253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 846 466 498

Individuals who have not used Zoom before will be prompted to download Zoom software, which is required to participate online. Those who are joining by phone will be prompted to enter the meeting ID to join the call. The hearing presentation will be posted online at for individuals who will be joining by phone or would like to view the presentation in advance of the hearing.

Those needing special accommodations to participate in the hearings, should call (803) 545-3373 or email [email protected]. For additional information visit the Community Development website at

In addition to providing comments at the public hearing, people may submit comments in the following ways:

All comments must be submitted to the Community Development Department no later than April 30, 2020 at 11:59 pm.