City Reaches Settlement in Torres Case

September 25, 2014

GREENVILLE, SC – At a hearing held this morning, The Honorable J. Michelle Childs, United States District Judge, approved a settlement reached between the City of Greenville and the family and Estate of Andrew Torres. The settlement was reached during a court-ordered mediation held on August 27, 2014. In response to the Defendants’ Motions for Summary Judgment, the Plaintiff had previously withdrawn all claims against the former Chief of Police in her individual capacity. The other City police officers named in the suit were dismissed with the consent of all parties in connection with the settlement. At the time of the settlement, the Motions for Summary Judgment filed on behalf of the City and its officers remained pending for consideration by the court.

Under the terms of the settlement, the City’s insurance carrier will pay the plaintiff, on behalf of both the family and Mr. Torres’ estate, $500,000 to resolve all remaining claims against the City. Based upon the evidence in the case, the City remained confident that the court and jury would conclude that its officers acted appropriately, and that the City and its officers would be exonerated at trial. However, the City agreed to settle the matter in order to avoid the time, expense and uncertainty that go along with any jury trial.

The City and its Police Department regret that this unfortunate situation ended in Mr. Torres’ death, and continue to extend their sympathies to his family for their loss.