Clinton Council Chronicles: A Recap of Municipal Matters

November 8, 2023

The City Council of Clinton held its regular meeting on Monday, November 6, 2023. Mayor Randy Randall convened the meeting and led the council in discussion of items per the agenda.

Once such item was the approval of the contract with GMK & Associates, allowing the plans for renovating the police and fire buildings to be move forward. This renovation aims to improve public safety and further enhance the service provided by first responders.

“This renovation project for the police and fire buildings exemplifies our dedication to providing the best service possible from our first responders. Together, we’re building a safer and stronger community,” said Clinton Police Chief Sonny Ledda.

“These kinds of renovations get me excited to enter join the police force. The Clinton Police Department is one-of-a-kind, and I have enjoyed working alongside them,” said Megan Bagwell, an intern with the City of Clinton Police Department. “These updates to the public safety building are vital and are trailblazing a brighter future for the people of Clinton.”

Many other items of business were discussed as well.

Council voted on the first reading of Ordinance No. 2023-011-002, regarding the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget for the city council. The ordinance was passed, 7-0, after the last proposed budget was denied at the previous City Council meeting.

Four proclamations were passed:

  • November 16, 2023, World Pancreatic Cancer Day in the City of Clinton
  • November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month
  • November as National Diabetes Month
  • November as Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

Mauldin & Jenkins, presented the Rate Stabilization Fund and the “Agreed Upon Procedures.” This presentation informed the council and the community about the city’s financial stability and future plans.

The first reading of Ordinance No. 2023-001-006, was approved, and amended the Business License Ordinance of the City of Clinton. This amendment follows the updated class schedule as stated in Act 176 of 2020, and ensures business regulations remain current and aligned with the law.

Resolution No. 2023-011-003, was also passed, and mandates certain properties within the city as abandoned building sites in accordance with the South Carolina Abandoned Buildings Revitalization Act.

The next City Council Meeting is scheduled for  Monday, December 4, at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers on the second floor of the M.S. Bailey Municipal Center at 211 North Broad Street.