Columbia, SC Solar Company Visits the White House

March 19, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – March 18, 2009 – “Small Business is the backbone of this country and the engine of economic growth,” said Erik Lensch, President of Columbia, SC-based, Argand Energy, who was among the small group of business owners invited to Monday’s White House speech on Small Business by President Obama.

“Today the President took measures to strengthen access to capital for Small Business. As a leader in South Carolina’s renewable energy sector, Argand stands to benefit not only from the Stimulus Package but from a stronger credit market” said Lensch. “We want to build on the momentum of today’s Small Business announcement and the earlier job creating Stimulus Package to help grow small businesses and clean energy in both Carolinas. What better way could there be to both create jobs and get the economy re-vitalized?”

Prior to the speech Erik shook hands with Senator Joe Lieberman and conferenced with NC Congressman, Mel Watt immediately afterwards. The Minority Business Roundtable, led by Executive Director, Roger Campos invited member Erik Lensch to Washington for the Small Business Announcement by President Obama.

For details and further information on Argand Energy contact: Mike Switzer at 803.348.2236 or [email protected]