COMET Chat with John Andoh – November/December 2020

December 1, 2020

The Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons herald the reminder that despite any challenges we may face, we all have much to be grateful for.

Our transit system continues to run cleanly, reliably, and safely as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We have made headway with installing plexiglass barriers on the buses between the drivers and passengers to minimize the possibility of any transmission or exposure. This implementation not only minimizes the likelihood of any transmission, but also offers extra protection to the bus operators in any instance of assault.

To further protect our staff, our drivers and the community, The COMET provides complimentary on-site COVID testing monthly for all staff and drivers in addition to employees exercising the option to test with a healthcare provider of their choosing. Since the start of the pandemic, The COMET has put in place some of the most stringent cleaning and safety measures in the transit industry. All The COMET vehicles and facilities receive deep fogging and sanitation several times per month. Bus operators and staff are required to use the multiple temperature check stations, located in the administration building which houses the drivers’ lounge, upon reporting for their shift. The policy implemented earlier this summer of mandatory masks or face coverings to ride The COMET buses or enter facilities remains in effect. We hope that as people celebrate the holidays, they continue to observe and practice the safety guidelines established.

Speaking of celebrations, The COMET was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for the second consecutive year for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year which ended June 30, 2019. Led by our Director of Finance/CFO Rosalyn Andrews and her team, this recognition affirms The COMET’s responsible handling of Penny Tax and other funding.

The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. Although this is the third consecutive year that The COMET has received commendation on its financial audits, this is the second consecutive year that it was awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. We are excited and grateful that our diligence in being good stewards of the Richland Penny and our other funding streams has been recognized with this prestigious honor. We take the public trust to heart and make every effort to be meticulous in handling our funding responsibly and with transparency.

Another monumental celebration is our completion and release of The State of The COMET Vision 2020 Promise to The Richland County Voters Regarding Use of The Penny. This report is the culmination of a process where in 2010, The COMET’s Board of Directors adopted Vision: 2020, which served as the guiding framework for how The COMET was to operate. In June 2015, the Board of Directors adopted a five-year Strategic Plan, known as The COMPASS, to guide how public transit was to be provided for the next five years. This year, 2020, marks the final year of Vision: 2020 and the culmination of The COMPASS strategic plan. The results were combined into a single document, found here, which highlights the progress of the agency.

We are so very proud to say that many of the actionable items in both these documents have been achieved. Continuously fulfilling our commitment to the community and demonstrating fiscal responsibility is our highest goal and enables us continued provision of a quality transportation service product for all the Central Midlands to enjoy.

Our next steps include a strategic review and planning process over the course of 2021 to update Vision: 2020 to Vision: 2030 and The COMPASS through 2025. Key efforts would involve determining a path forward for funding The COMET beyond 2029 when the Richland County Penny is expected to be fully expended. This also entails determining a reasonable mechanism to fund transit services and continuing to deliver a quality public transportation service with mobility options to the residents of Richland and Lexington Counties.

Lastly, we are grateful to our riders, the residents of Richland and Lexington Counties and supporters like you in the business community of the Midlands. Here’s to a better tomorrow for all of us as we overcome challenges and forge ahead to the future.

Please reach out to me anytime if you have any thoughts, comments or questions about The COMET at 803.255.7087 or email [email protected].