Companies Honored For Excellence In Workplace Diversity
September 14, 2012COLUMBIA, SC – September 14, 2012 – Winners have been announced forthe 8th Annual Excellence in Workplace Diversity Awards, recognizingbusinesses’ significant contributions to moving South Carolina forwardin diversity initiatives. Several criteria were considered in choosingcompanies for the Excellence in Workplace Diversity Awards, includingdiversity initiatives, effectiveness and applicability/replicability.
Congratulations to the winners:
Small Employer, ( under 500 employees) – Columbia Metropolitan Airport
Columbia Metropolitan Airport is committed to embracing diversityinitiatives. In a side-by-side comparison, Columbia MetropolitanAirport’s dollar amount spent with small, minority and women-ownedbusinesses in 2012 increased by 383.32% over the same time period in2011. Additionally, their master list of potential vendors identifiesover 500 small, minority and women-owned businesses.
Medium Employer, (501-1,500 employees) – TD Bank
TD Bank is an award-winning national leader and pioneer in workforce andcommunity diversity programs. In 2011, the company launched a focuseddiversity initiative concentrated on the Carolinas. TD Bank has alsocreated a Metro Carolinas Regional Diversity Council, led by the marketpresident and including 19 delegates from across the organization.
Large Employer, (over 1,500 employees) – Greenville Hospital System
GHS continues to build on its diversity strategic plan, which wasapproved by both the CEO and senior leadership in 2007, updated in 2009and will be revised again 2012. The company CEO has made diversity oneof his five personal goals for the past five years. GHS ensures that itsentire clinical staff receives training on cultural competence inclinical care, and all new employees receive cultural competencytraining as well.
Congratulations to the nominees:
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics – Greenville
Midlands Technical College – Columbia
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC – Aiken
Smith Moore Leatherwood – Greenville
U.S. Engine Valve – Westminster
Verizon Wireless – Greenville
WSI SRS – Aiken
About the SC Chamber
The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s first state chamberAccredited with Distinction by the U.S. Chamber, is South Carolina’slargest statewide broad-based business and industry trade associationrepresenting more than 18,000 businesses and more than one millionemployees, with 90 percent of membership comprised of small businesses.As the unified voice for business and industry, the Chamber is acatalyst for increasing wealth and enhancing the state’s globalcompetitiveness in order to improve the quality of life for all SouthCarolinians.