DeMint to Leave Senate to Lead the Heritage Foundation
December 6, 2012WASHINGTON, DC – December 6, 2012 – Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint(R-South Carolina) announced that he will leave the Senate at thebeginning of January to become the next president of The HeritageFoundation, the largest and most respected conservative think tank inAmerica.
It’s been an honor to serve the people of South Carolina in UnitedStates Senate for the past eight years, but now it’s time for me to pass the torch to someone else and take on a new role in the fight forAmerica’s future.
I’m leaving the Senate now, but I’m not leaving the fight. I’ve decided to join The Heritage Foundation at a time when the conservativemovement needs strong leadership in the battle of ideas. No organization is better equipped to lead this fight and I believe my experience inpublic office as well as in the private sector as a business owner willhelp Heritage become even more effective in the years to come.
“I’m humbled to follow in the footsteps of Ed Feulner, who built themost important conservative institution in the nation. He has been afriend and mentor for years and I am honored to carry on his legacy offighting for freedom.
My constituents know that being a Senator was never going to be mycareer. I came to Congress as a citizen legislator and I’ve always beendetermined to leave it as citizen legislator. South Carolina has a deepbench of conservative leaders and I know Governor Haley will select agreat replacement.
One of the most rewarding things I’ve done in the Senate is work withthe grassroots to help elect a new generation of leaders who have thecourage to fight for the principles of freedom that make this country so great. I’m confident these senators will continue the legacy ofconservative leaders before them.
Jim DeMint was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1998after owning a successful advertising and market research company fortwenty years. DeMint left the House after limiting himself to threeterms and then was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004 and re-elected in2010.
During his time in office, DeMint has been tireless advocate forAmericans taxpayers. His goal has been to support and defend theConstitution, which was written to preserve liberty by restraining thefederal government. Toward that end, he authored legislation to balancethe budget, ban earmarks, replace the tax code, and reform ourentitlement programs. He also led the fight against unconstitutionalpower grabs like the Wall Street bailout and Obamacare.