Directory - Columbia, SC List Your Business AllABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAccountingArchitectureBanking and FinanceBusiness ServicesChamberChurchesCommercial Real EstateConstructionEconomic DevelopmentEducationEmployment AgenciesEngineeringEnvironmentalFinancial AdvisorsFoodGovernmentHealth CareHi-Tech/ Information TechHospitalityInsuranceIT ServicesLawManufacturingMarketing and CommunicationsMediaNon ProfitResidential Real EstateRestaurantRetailTechnologyThe ArtsTransportationUncategorized4 Listings found. Penny & Lucy Lou Art 9350 Two Notch Road Columbia SC 29223 The Arts 8037880559 MAP Prime & Prim Studio of the Arts 1832 Airport Blvd. Columbia SC 29201 The Arts 803.306.6932 MAP Town Theatre 1012 Sumter Street Columbia SC 29201 The Arts 803.799.2510 MAP Trustus Theatre 520 Lady St. Columbia SC 29201 The Arts (803) 254-9732 MAP