Non Profit

Isle Of Palms, SC 29451
The Founder of, Ted O’Neill, is committed to taking 1 MILLION steps in the month of September 2020 in an effort to raise $1 million for Pancreatic Cancer. He’s walking, not running, so this is going to require about 5 hours each day. He needs to average 33,333 steps, or about 18.5 miles, per day, to reach the target.
By the end of the month, he will have walked around 550 miles.
Pancreatic cancer has definitely impacted our family. It killed Ted’s father and Rosemary’s aunt. It’s the deadliest form of cancer there is. The 5-year survival rate is around 9% and for most victims death occurs within mere months of diagnosis. Even though it is not nearly as common as breast cancer, it takes more lives each year.