Disability Rights South Carolina receives $30,000 grant from the SC Bar Foundation to increase services

September 4, 2024

Disability Rights South Carolina, the nonprofit, federally mandated, and state designated Protection and Advocacy System serving people with disabilities, has received a $30,000 grant from the South Carolina Bar Foundation. This grant will supplement existing grant funding to expand capacity to assist more clients. As South Carolina’s population continues to grow, our callers continue to increase as more people with disabilities seek help.

Randall Dong, the organization’s Legal Director, said that the funding from the Bar Foundation would ultimately allow DRSC to provide legal representation to some clients whom it would otherwise turn away for lack of resources, because existing grant funding for legal work is insufficient to support assisting every deserving client. “We are extremely grateful that the South Carolina Bar Foundation has recognized the importance of the work we have done for almost 50 years on behalf of the people with disabilities living in South Carolina. The additional funding that the Foundation has provided will allow us to help more people and better fulfill our mission,” Dong said.


About the Disability Rights South Carolina

Disability Rights South Carolina (DRSC) protects and advances the legal, civil, and human rights of people with disabilities. DRSC is the designated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system and Client Assistance Program (CAP) for South Carolina and is mandated by state and federal law to protect the rights of people with disabilities. Services offered include information and referral, legal support, monitoring and investigations, self-advocacy training, education and outreach, and systems change. Learn more: www.disabilityrightssc.org

About the SC Bar Foundation

The South Carolina Bar Foundation promotes justice by funding legal access and education. It is the only statewide funding source contributing to those purposes. Since 1987, the Foundation has awarded more than $60 million to various law-related organizations and programs throughout South Carolina. Learn more: https://scbarfoundation.org/