District Five Announces Teacher of the Year, Support Employee of the Year

May 23, 2014

IRMO, SC – Lexington-Richland School District Five announced their 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year and Support Employee of the Year during a May 21 ceremony.

unnamed    Jennifer Dollar

Emily Berry, a Chapin Elementary School special education teacher, was named District Five’s 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year during an Employee Recognition Ceremony on May 21 (pictured left). Harbison West Elementary School social worker Jennifer Dollar was named Support Employee of the Year (pictured right).

District Five Superintendent Dr. Stephen Hefner said, “District Five is great because of the many caring and talented teachers and support staff that work here, and Ms. Berry and Ms. Dollar represent the best of the best in our district.  We congratulate them and thank them for all they do to make District Five successful.

Berry has nine years of teaching experience, including two years in her current position at Chapin Elementary School. She has a bachelor’s degree in multicategorical special education from Clemson University and is certified in elementary education and special education.

“Being named teacher of the year is an honor for me and for my students,” said Berry, adding that she couldn’t wait to tell her class about the award. “I believe that we need to be telling our students stories and setting that example for them in life. As teachers we are their editors, and we can make a positive change…We need to go into the classroom every day, make sure that we are pushing our students and making them better.”

Dollar has a bachelor’s degree from Carson Newman College and a master’s degree in social work from the University of South Carolina. She said, “I’m blown away that I would be honored when all of us work so hard and everyone deserves it. I share this with all the other support staff in District Five.”