DOM360 Hires Nick Giffel, Director Of Lean And Learning

June 10, 2015

Digital marketing agency optimizes business processes, similar to Toyota Production System


GREENVILLE, SC – Local digital marketing firm DOM360 recently hired Nick Giffelas its new Director of Lean and Learning. Giffel will work to create and foster a Lean environment by renovating current processes and applying Lean standards where applicable, not unlike the standards which are found in Toyota Production System.

Giffel’s objective will begin by introducing a Lean process mindset into the DOM360 culture by equipping employees with Lean tools and principles that will help them work more effectively. This procedure will add value to what DOM360 does for its clients by implementing a mindset that seeks to streamline and optimize processes.

“I believe instilling Lean concepts into this company will add value to what we do for our clients by reducing waste due to variation by offering a streamlined process,” Giffel said. “Additionally, equipping our employees with Lean tools will develop a more cohesive team and give us a competitive edge.”

A Lean culture promotes speed, as well as the simplification of business processes in every conceivable area. Some processes involved include understanding client needs, guided problem solving, asking open-ended questions and knowing that there is always room for improvement.

Giffel boasts a Six Sigma Black Belt, which he earned in 2010. Six Sigma, promotes a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects.

A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt possesses a thorough understanding of all aspects within the phases of D-M-A-I-C, an abbreviation for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. DMAIC refers to a data-driven improvement cycle used for optimizing and stabilizing business processes and designs.

Started in 2007 as Dealer Online Marketing, DOM360 now serves automotive manufacturers and dealerships nationwide. The company’s foundation lies in digital marketing, but DOM360 has evolved into a 360-degree marketing partner, integrating traditional media into its services and providing an unprecedented, real-time, 360-degree web-based marketing platform. Located in Greenville, SC, DOM360 employs more than 65 people and was ranked No. 16 on the list of South Carolina’s Top 20 Companies by Inc. magazine in 2014.