Dorchester County to Offer Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training

July 16, 2012

Emergency Management is coordinating CERT training to help communities prepare for disasters.

SUMMERVILLE, SC – July 14, 2012 – Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) are groups of volunteer citizens who are trained to assist their community in the event of natural or man-made disasters when emergency services may not be immediately available. CERTs are about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety and doing the greatest good for the greatest number. 

CERT members are trained in disaster preparedness, fire safety, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster psychology and basic terrorism awareness.

When participants have completed the training, it is important to keep them involved and practiced in their skills. Lowcountry CERT is the members’ non-profit organization that sustains CERTs in the Tri-County area. When not responding to disaster, CERTs:

  • Provide first-aid, crowd control or other services at community events.
  • Hold planning, training or recruitment meetings.
  • Conduct or participate in disaster response exercises.
  • Raise funds for emergency response equipment in their community.

The classes are offered free of charge to residents 18 years and older in Dorchester County by the Dor-chester County Emergency Management Department and will be every Thursday night for 8 weeks from 6-9pm beginning August 9th in the Recreation Room at St. George Town Hall. Be sure to register soon, the course is limited to 30 participants.

To register contact Theresa McKnight at 843-832-0341 and for more information go to