Dr. Matthew vandenBerg Will Step Down as PC President Effective June 30
Dr. Matthew vandenBerg announced his resignation as president of Presbyterian College effective June 30, 2023. He has been named the next president of Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio.
In a letter to the students, faculty and staff, Dr. vandenBerg thanked and commended the PC community for their hospitality, warmth, partnership and friendship during his tenure.
“As I have said many times, PC’s ‘secret sauce’ is its people. I am confident that PC will continue to flourish because of you. I have never been more optimistic about the college’s future and am confident that PC’s best days are ahead.”
vandenBerg and his wife, Melissa, are from the Midwest and seek to reunite his family closer to extended family.
“This decision is in no way a reflection of my views of Presbyterian College or its students, faculty, staff, alumni, or board. On the contrary, Melissa, Jackson, Sylvia, and I have developed a tremendous love, respect, and appreciation for Presbyterian College and its phenomenal people,” vandenBerg said. Read his letter to the PC community here.
Ruth Roper, chair of the Presbyterian College Board of Trustees, expressed gratitude for vandenBerg’s service to PC and wished their family well in their new endeavors.
“On behalf of the trustees, I am grateful for his energy, enthusiasm and many contributions in moving PC forward,” said Roper. “We wish Matt, Melissa and their family much happiness and success as they move to this new phase of their lives.”
Going forward, Presbyterian College will continue to build on its core values and strong foundation of educational excellence.
“With a new strategic plan and bold market position as America’s Innovative Service College, PC will continue to thrive. I look forward to being a part of this transformation and engaging with you along the way,” Roper said.
CarterBaldwin Executive Search will lead the search for the 20th president of Presbyterian College. Brad Bryant ‘75, a board member since 2016, has been named chair of the search committee. Members of the committee and other details will be announced in the coming weeks.