Duke Energy’s Rogers Supports President’s Call for Review of Federal Regulations
January 19, 2011CHARLOTTE, NC – January 18, 2011 – The following is a statement by DukeEnergy chairman, president and CEO Jim Rogers in support of President BarackObama’s executive order today for a government-wide review of federalregulations to avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulations andpromote economic growth.
“ThePresident’s action today requires federal agencies to focus more in theirregulations on economic growth, innovation, competitiveness and jobcreation.
“Rebuilding the U.S. economy is job one for theAdministration and Congress so this focus is welcome. I am also pleased thePresident has instructed federal agencies to make sure new regulations areharmonized with existing programs.
“In thepower sector, we need to go to work modernizing the U.S. energyinfrastructure, but cannot move forward if we face excessive, inconsistent andredundant new federal regulations. If we can get a coherent roadmap fromthe Administration, we will immediately begin to replace old plants, update ourgrid, develop clean energy technologies and, most importantly, create thousandsof new jobs. “