Duke Energy Foundation Donates $50,000 for Japanese Disaster Relief Efforts

April 18, 2011

PLAINFIELD, IN – April 18, 2011 – The Duke Energy Foundation is donating $50,000 to the Japan-America Society of Indiana’s (JASI) “Japan Earthquake Relief Fund” to be used for disaster relief following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, along Japan’s northeast coast. 

“Indiana has a long history of close ties with Japan,” said Duke Energy Indiana President Doug Esamann. “More than 200 Japanese companies have invested in our state and are doing business here. Many of these companies are Duke Energy Indiana customers, and we know the disasters have affected them, whether from employees or family members living in the impacted region or from a production standpoint, or both. We think it is important for us to help the relief efforts under way.”

In addition, Duke Energy employees who contribute to the earthquake relief fund organized by JASI, which is designated as a  501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, can apply to the Duke Energy Foundation for a matching contribution of 50 cents for every dollar the employee donates. 

“The match is a simple way for employees to increase the impact of their donation,” Esamann said. “With a tragedy as monumental as Japan’s, we know that every dollar will count.”

“Duke Energy has always taken a leadership position in the Indiana-Japan relationship, and we appreciate this important level of support,” said Theresa Kulczak, executive director of the JASI. “As the Japanese people continue to cope with such an inconceivable loss, contributions such as Duke Energy’s make it possible for Japanese groups that are on the front lines of relief and recovery to carry on with vital work.”  

“The Society’s Japan Earthquake Relief Fund has become the primary local avenue for Hoosier and Japanese donations,” Kulczak said. “Many fundraising activities have now been planned around the state, and we appreciate that the proceeds will be directed to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. Our board of directors is in the process of finalizing the group of relief organizations in Japan to which 100 percent of the funds will be distributed.  

“Commitments to the fund currently total $695,000, with many grassroots fundraising programs yet to be held. A calendar of events, as well as information on how to donate to the fund, can be found on the JASI website,” she added.

JASI has partnered with major Indiana banks Chase, Fifth Third, Old National, and PNC to make the fund conveniently accessible for Indiana residents statewide. Donations are accepted at all branches. 

About Duke Energy

Duke Energy Indiana’s operations provide approximately 7,000 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 790,000 customers, making it the state’s largest electric supplier. 

Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a Fortune 500 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK.

About the Japan-America Society of Indiana
The Japan-America Society of Indiana (JASI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit  cultural and educational organization serving as Indiana’s leading resource on Japan. Founded in 1988, the Society is supported by a diverse membership of businesses, communities, educational institutions, families and individuals located throughout the state.  

JASI provides cultural and arts programming, business networking opportunities, corporate seminars, protocol training, social activities and referral services. The JASI office and its bilingual staff serve as an information resource for Japanese and American members and the public. JASI is a member of the National Association of Japan-America Societies, headquartered in Washington D.C., with over 40 chapters nationwide.