Duke Energy Names Heigel South Carolina President

March 26, 2010

CHARLOTTE, NC – March 29, 2010 – Duke Energy has named CatherineHeigel to the newly created position of president of its South Carolinaservice region.

In this capacity, she will be responsible for advancing the company’srate and regulatory initiatives and managing state and local regulatoryand governmental relations, economic development and communityaffairs. 

“These are unprecedented times in our industry. As we work with ourcustomers, regulators and policymakers to shape our energy future, weneed to sharpen our focus on the unique needs, interests and concerns ofDuke Energy’s different states,” said James L. Turner, president andchief operating officer of Duke Energy’s Franchised Electric & Gasbusinesses. “Creating dedicated leadership roles for South Carolina andNorth Carolina recognizes the significant investments Duke Energy has inboth states, as well as the commitment we have made to the customersand communities we serve.”

In South Carolina, Duke Energy serves more than 600,000 retailcustomers and operates $3 billion in assets in the state, including morethan 6,818 megawatts of power generation and distribution facilities.In addition, the company employs approximately 3,600 people who live andwork in the Upstate region.

“Catherine brings an impressive blend of experience to this newposition,” said James E. Rogers, Duke Energy’s chairman, president andchief executive officer. “She will draw on her regulatory and legalexperience to be the primary representative of our company to SouthCarolina regulators, legislators, customers and other stakeholders.”

Heigel began her legal career nearly 15 years ago in Columbia, S. C.,as a consumer advocate in utility and insurance matters. She joinedDuke Energy in 1997, and with the exception of several years in privatelaw practice from 2003 to 2006, her legal practice has been centered oncommercial and regulatory utility issues. Most recently, she served asspecial advisor to Duke Energy’s chairman.

A Darlington, S. C. native, Heigel earned a Bachelor of Arts degreewith honors in International Studies from the University of SouthCarolina in 1992 and a Juris Doctor degree from Ohio State University in1995. She and her family will relocate to South Carolina in the weeksahead.

title=With this restructuring, BrettCarter, (pictured, left) president of Duke EnergyCarolinas, will become the company’s North Carolina president. Heigeland Carter will report to Turner.

Duke Energy Carolinas owns nuclear, coal-fired, natural gas andhydroelectric generation. That diverse fuel mix provides approximately19,000 megawatts of electricity capacity to approximately 2.4 millioncustomers in a 22,000-square-mile service area of North Carolina andSouth Carolina.

Duke Energy is one of the largest electric power holding companies inthe United States. Its regulated utility operations serve approximately4 million customers located in five states in the Southeast andMidwest, representing a population of approximately 11 million people.Its commercial power and international business segments own and operatediverse power generation assets in North America and Latin America,including a growing portfolio of renewable energy assets in the UnitedStates.

Duke Energy

Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a Fortune 500company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. Moreinformation about the company is available on the Internet at: www.duke-energy.com.