Early Takeoff: Glasgow Leverages PTC Dual Enrollment to Achieve Aerospace Dreams

July 14, 2024

A career in aerospace engineering can often mean several years of higher education, but Jeremy Glasgow caught an early flight, so to speak.

“I was really interested in cutting down my time in college because I want to get my master’s eventually,” Glasgow said. That’s why he joined the Dual Enrollment program at Piedmont Technical College.

Dual Enrollment is an advanced-credit program for high school juniors and seniors. Different classes are available online, at the student’s high school, or on the PTC campus. Some students, like Glasgow, are planning for advanced degrees. Others are seeking a credential that will allow them to begin a professional career as soon as they leave high school.

“It’s something a lot of people do at Newberry High School, and my counselors talked about it, too,” said Glasgow, who recently graduated.

There are four ways to participate in Dual Enrollment at PTC:

Traditional Dual Enrollment courses are taken at the student’s high school with their high school instructors.
OnDECK classes are offered on a PTC campus and let students earn high school units and college credit at the same time.
PTC has partnered with some school districts on a Middle College that allows high school juniors and seniors the chance to earn 48-plus college credit hours.
Early admission is for students looking to earn credit through PTC, but not through their high school.

Glasgow opted for Middle College. He spent part of his day taking courses at PTC’s Newberry County Campus and the rest of the day back at high school. A dedicated pianist, he was also able to squeeze in some time for that hobby.

“I could go home and get a quick practice in to destress,” on the way from the PTC campus back to Newberry High, he said.

Before applying, students should understand the amount of work necessary to succeed in Dual Enrollment is usually greater than in high school. Glasgow found he enjoyed the different environment of a college campus.

“It was a little bit of a shift getting into the lecture style of learning,” he said. “I liked the freedom you had – you didn’t have to do assignments in class. There’s a lot of independence with that.

“Everybody’s there to help you, so it’s an easy adjustment to make as long as you work with the professors.”

Students earn both high school and college credit in PTC’s Dual Enrollment classes. Unlike other programs in which college credits depend on high-stakes testing, Dual Enrollment students can be sure their work will count toward their studies when they’re ready to apply to college – something Amanda Glasgow, Jeremy’s mom, appreciated.

“With Dual Enrollment, you get the credit based on the work you do in the class,” she said.

Dual Enrollment at PTC is designed to be affordable to all students. South Carolina residents attend tuition-free if they take at least 6 credit hours per semester (generally at least two classes) at their high school, on campus or online.

“My parents were very excited about the money I saved by taking my classes while I was still in high school,” Glasgow said.

Amanda Glasgow said free tuition definitely was helpful. An educator herself, she also liked how Dual Enrollment gets students in the frame of mind to do college-level work.

“Jeremy’s driven to excel academically,” she said. “He has that laser focus.”

Right now, he’s focused on becoming a propulsion engineer in the aeronautics field, a job that typically requires an advanced college degree. Glasgow, who has been accepted into the aerospace engineering program at the University of South Carolina, will leave the Dual Enrollment program having already earned 60 credits, making him ready for takeoff.

Any high school rising junior or senior can apply for Dual Enrollment, including home school students. Dual Enrollment is available at high schools throughout the PTC footprint.

Students should talk with a high school guidance counselor if they think Dual Enrollment might be right for them. Hundreds from all over the region are already taking advantage to jump-start their college careers. Learn more online at www.ptc.edu/dual or contact PTC’s Dual Enrollment Office at (864) 941-8315.